21st September I think is officially the declaration of Autumn. Quite frankly, I have normally already accepted this by the 1st of this month, and sunk my head back into my woolly winter scarf in woe.
I really am a summer person. Who isn't? Hot days, icecreams, amazing sunsets, t-shirts, sundresses, swimming, barbeque's and sunglasses mean its time for holidays, time for great days out, time for being carefree.
So there is generally a feeling of anti-climax and all round disappointment when September rears its ugly complete-with-ear warmers head.
But actually, I've thought of several reasons why in fact, Autumn is actually a great, even remarkable time of year. Hibernation ? I'm thinking liberation...

{via Megan Magill }
20 reasons to love Autumn
1. The smell of bonfires. Summer floral fragrances are rarely found outside the perfume counter. However, the strong woody charcoal smell with notes of burnt and smouldering? - that, the English autumn can offer in abundance.
2.It's a more acceptable time of year to drink litres hot chocolate. Regularly.
3.Getting darker early = more opportunities to see fireworks displays, and generally star gaze.
4.Our love/ hate relationship with overtly early Christmas consumerism. We love to hate it in our grumbles about the fact the adverts are already appearing in September. At the same time, the closer it gets, the more we are mesmerized by the sparkly Christmas lights in shop windows...
5. The endless colour/style/ texture combinations, with scarfs..coats..hats..
6. The unveiling of nature's colours in all their majesty. The lands of reds and golds.
7. Nights in seem somehow more acceptable. But baby its cold outside...
8. Less need to go to the gym. Animals fatten up in preparation for the Winter months.Best diet advise this time of year? Watch some David Attenborough.
9.September is the month of X factor, Strictly Come Dancing, Spooks, Downtown Abbey...
10. It is no longer advisable to wear material/ canvas shoes. It is therefore a necessary and wise move to buy a nice new lovely pair of winter boots. Maybe in two colours and several heel variations.This is NOT a ridiculous fashion expenditure, but an intelligent and appropriate response to the climate.
{via Joyell Lewis and imgspark.com}
11. It's a time to read. Sit in a cafe, all nice and snug with a page turner. Summer reads? One spends too much time Frisbee dodging to really do any substantial beach reading.
12.Soups in cups. Soups in flasks.
13.Hot water bottles.
14. Its a time of organization. New job, new college, new term, new beginnings. Time to sort out your wardrobe. Organize your sock draw. Make resolutions to improve your life without the New Years pressure.
15. A time for friends. Summer sees the majority of people asleep in a hammock, and since us Brits rarely see the sun, tanning becomes an anti-social activity of sheer concentration . Autumn means dinner parties, coffee dates,shopping trips, museum visits...
16. Sitting in parks. During the summer this isn't always a pleasant activity, as you compete for picnic spots and dodge/run from the multitude of dogs unleashed. In the Autumn you can sit in Green park and enjoy the serene scene, even in a busy city.
17. Less general cavorting about the place and more time for home ,family, friends and yummy cooked dinners.
18. Starting to get excited about all the dates in the diary yet to come in the year. Firework night, Christmas, New Years eve.
19. More appreciative of the commuter hours. It may be over-crowded, but its a darn site warmer in this packed carriage than on the platform.
20. Because, lets face it, the more we enjoy the colder months, the quicker summer really will come round again.
Miss V
{via Megan Magill}