
Is that a wrinkle?! Oh bugger...

I don't know if it's the weather, my ridiculous workload, a lack of sleep, or a horrendous combination of all three, but there's a very fine line on the corner of my left eye. I think it's safe to say that I don't like it. Not one bit. In a panicked frenzy, I've spent the past few days putting green tea bags on my eyes, and I've even bought some soothing, anti- wrinkle eye gel.

All the while I've been thinking 'I'm twenty- two for f**k's sake! Seriously?!'

Begrudgingly, I should accept that I subscribe to the universal fear of getting old and wrinkly, and my constant googling of 'tired skin remedies' is an unfortunate symptom of this fear. Then there's this tiny, niggling part of me that keeps asking, 'Why on earth are you getting your knickers in a twist?' I have a terrible feeling that this tiny, niggling part of me might be on to something...

Why are we so obsessed about reversing the clock and putting off the arrival of our old, wrinkly, &less sexy selves? We can't avoid it,  so why not get excited about it? I'm beginning to realise that I can't wait to hit my twilight years. I know I'll still run riot as a septuagenarian.

{Via Javiera}

So, I've decided to stop obsessing about my natural, predictable, unavoidable ageing. 'Cause let's face it, when the elderly can make blue rinse & aran knits fashionable, you know you'll be in for a good time.

Miss Dx

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