
Charmed by Pixi

Pixi Glow? I am glowing after this brand.

The floral feminine packaging of each Pixi piece is so lovely. It reminds me of the style of Paul & Joe make up, having a classic yet boho feel to their products. I have now brought several things from Pixi, and haven't felt let down in the slightest. Personal favourite: Illuminating Tint and Conceal is the all rounder and very compact for face paint (as well as offering perfect coverage in virtually a light concealer and moisturiser!) . Today's purchase: Petal Jam in Budding Berry - literally the most gorgeous smelling lip tint (have to stop myself eating it...) and really moisturizing, plus it actually looks like a travel-size jam jar!. The staff are professional and genuine, and the make up is worth every penny (which doesn't ask for a extortionate amount of them either!).

Pixi have the most darling shop in Carnaby St, London and can be found at Boots too!

Miss V xx


Beauty in a Jar (no joke)

When it comes to things beauty/make up/hair related, I'm a little clueless. There are so many products out there, so for a self-confessed novice, standing in the skincare/haircare aisles of Boots can be a little daunting. I'm pretty sure I still have no idea what BB cream is. (Please fill me in if you can!)

I'd heard it on the grapevine that you can keep your beauty routine simple, effective, natural & cheap (get in!) How? By the wonders of coconut oil. This stuff can double up as as hair mask and an intensive moisturiser! Apparently, it tastes pretty good too. Thanks to the antioxidants and other health goodies of coconut oil,  this very unglamorous plastic jar is now my loyal companion in all things hair/face related.

Let me fill you in...

I first tried the product as hair mask about a week ago. It has a really low melting point, so after rubbing it between my fingers a little, I was able to lather it all over my tresses with ease. After leaving it on for about half an hour, I shampooed and conditioned it off. The results? Soft, silky hair with no frizz in sight. I've also been told that the all natural oil can stimulate hair growth and can repair split ends, too...(Could this be true?! Apparently so...)

As a moisturiser, I won't lie, I was a little put off at first. As the name suggests, coconut oil is well, you guessed it, oily. Put it on, and you'll have a bit more than a natural glow going on. But, don't be deterred! Leave it on from anything between twenty minutes to all night, and you'll be left with smooth and rejuvenated skin. 

For a cheap all rounder, coconut oil could be your fail-safe potion. As a lover of natural beauty products, I'm excited that this is reputed to produce long term benefits, not just a temporary glow. So, my verdict: buy yourself a jar. From a high-end organic variety, to my cheap, but very effective plastic potted concoction, you won't be disappointed.

Also, thank you to Nika from Pirouette for inspiring this post!

Miss Dx


Natural Beauty Treats

Shhh...beauty tips here. Miss D loves natural products, and these are two of my personal favourite natural treats.

Manuka Honey - tastes great on toast, and is great for your face, keeping your complexion clear and nourished. Either get it in its pure form 250g from Holland and Barrett at £10.49

Or Holland and Barrett do a great mask version (less sticky!) 

Dr Organic, Organic Manuka Facemask £7.19

Another great natural beauty treatment is  Apple Cider Vinegar. You need to be careful as it is quite strong (both in acidity and smell!) So seek advice before using, but it is very cleansing and anti-bacterial. I have used it as a toner and a small amount in bottled water (lemon juice in water however is another cleansing option, much preferred in taste!) and the results are really good.

This is Aspal Organic Cyder Vinegar at £1.75 (I personally think however that Braggs is the best)

Do you have any other great home beauty remedies?

Miss V x

Clearer Horizons

I have just come back from the Caribbean, where sea met sand and I met a glimpse of paradise.

Travelling from East to West of the Island, I saw beautiful scenery, ate amazing food, and met some really, really awesome people.  I think that is what stuck me most about the Island - the way people are, and their attitude to life. I think in the UK we can be so wrapped up in each minute detail, worrying about the unnecessary and not focusing enough on life in general. But there is so much soul to Barbados, and the Barbadians are such happy people.  When I one day followed the gaze of some local fisherman and looked out to sea, I realized that life can be so much simpler than we allow, and yet we make it so complicated for ourselves with our constant grumblings about train delays/ traffic jams/ the weather/  broken nails...

...and talking of nails, check out my friend Caryl's!! Totally cool.

I want to go back, I had an amazing time, thank you to all the lovely people I met, and thank you God for such a beautiful part of the world.

Miss V xoxox


On the Art of Mooching

Here I am, sitting on a ridiculously huge arm chair in my college common room, wistfully looking out of the window when I really ought to be working. What I would love to do right now, if it wasn't for the torrential rain outside, is go for a good old mooch. Dictionary.com defines the word thus: 'verb (used without object) to loiter or wander about.' That's exactly what I'd like to do right now.

When I lived in London, Miss V&I would often escape our halls of residence to wander around the big city, from Camden to Brick Lane, we have wandered far. One of my favourite things to do in the city was to do exactly this. My favourite mooch location? Covent Garden, particularly at night. When the sun goes down, the walk-through tourist attraction becomes an oasis of dewy calm, with a promising sense of potential. I love walking through the piazza, listening to the buskers, taking photographs of the surroundings. I've had some good times there, &whenever I've felt a bit down in the dumps, it's been my haven. 

So, once the weather starts behaving itself, &the never ending pile of coursework has died down, I will be eagerly anticipating a summer of mooching, whether I'm with or without company.

Miss Dx 


Tips for Happy Travels

Currently awaiting my flight at the airport, so thought I'd take the moment to write a quick post, and share some thoughts that I certainly find useful to make the bigger travels as comfortable as possible. 

Now I love airports. I don't know why - a lot of people find the experience tiresome, full of trepidation, or simply a downright hassle. Not me. I will arrive early to maximize duty free time. I love nothing more than sitting in Costa, watching the world go by and thinking excitedly about my upcoming trip ahead. Whatever your disposition, here is some tips that you might find helpful :

1. Keep hydrated. (not coffee though...I am slowly learning this) A lot of walking-to-terminals, dry air conditioning etc makes skin parched and throats dry. Keep topped up.

2. Chew gum. Stops the munchies plus keeps any nerves in check (and keeps breath fresh!)

3. Keep all important docs in one folder in your bag. Nothing more annoying for you or others than having to route around an over-sized handbag for your info.

4.Easy Literature. I have my novel/ more substantial reading with me, but also a travel sized glossy which is great for quick reading at odd moments, and bright captions/ lots of pictures can help distract any flight jitters

5. Flats. I love the idea of strutting down the aisles with ten inch heels, but my feet would hate me. You have got the holiday/business trip to wear your platforms, so give the toes a break while traveling.

6. Cashmere jumper. Makes for cosy flying  (or just a great sleep prop).

7. Minimal Makeup. At most, I would recommend a BB cream, but ideally just a moisturizer. It depends how long the flight, but I always think the girls who plaster it on pre-flight look a bit OTT.

8. If there is a delay -don't get anxious/ frustrated. Everyone gets delayed once in a while. I'm in fact a bit delayed today - but hey, more time for blogging! You don't want to think back to your vacation remembering how stressed you were, so take it all as it comes. Deep breaths  - yes there is a delay, but that is ok. More time for shopping/diary planning/reading.

9.  When you get the chance, have a quick spritz of one of the perfume testers in Duty Free
. This allows you to sample a new fragrance/freshen up for the flight ahead.

10. Ah, time to board! Wherever you go next, have a wonderful trip, and happy flying :)

Miss V x


Customizing Denim

About to go abroad and have added to my summer wardrobe,  by giving my loved old Diesels a new look :)

Miss V x


Alice Dellal

A new monthly addition to our blog is going to be letting you guys know who we think is rocking the moment. After reading about her InStyle this April, we think Miss Dellal is taking our hearts and Chanel, by storm.

via Annabella Zaklit from racefashion.blogspot.com

Miss V x


Beauty, well-being, and water.

from Shannon Jackson via Pinterest

Every time I go for a jog, I think 'damn -  forgot the water bottle again'.

About 100 yards up the road, I am dragging my struggling limbs to the nearest bench for a breather. Probably also have a stitch. Inevitably, I am longing for my Evian.

Our bodies are made up of something like 60% of water, so it seems mega important that we keep it topped up. But, I don't know about you, but I find it really difficult to actually just drink water. 10am in the morning, the only liquid I want is a coffee, and dinner out is lovely with a glass of Pinot (great, two diuretics at the weekend  - no wonder I'm thirsty). 

Yet we are all told aren't we that we should be drinking our 8 glasses/ 2 litres a day. It is great for our pores, our organs, the shine on our hair and our general well-being. I have read countless articles where some gorgeous A- lister has thanked their personal trainer and their water consumption for their glowing looks (I am,often quite skeptical that this is all that is involved, however) 

But, I have decided to really give it a go. I am going to drink 8 glasses a day, and report back in 2 weeks how I feel. I am guinea-pigging my work performance, my complexion, and how well I can jog around that block, and in 14 days, I will let you know how I got on. 

If Jen looks this good after water, then pour me another.

Miss V x


On buying nicely

I'll admit to being a sucker for anything fairtrade/organic/cruelty- free/locally sourced; I always have been. To me, it makes sense: we all buy things, and if the things we buy can help make life easier for others, why not join in? I'll resist the urge to recite every argument for jumping on the oddly named 'ethical consumerism' bandwagon, but keep reading for some reasons why buying kindly can be more fun, rewarding &creative than picking a dress from a high street hanger, or a 2-for-1 deal at your local supermarket.

Smaller shops: Those self-checkout machines just aren't as much fun. I like talking to people and a friendly exchange of 'have a nice day!' and other niceties. Those machines just stress me out &I almost always need staff assistance to get the damn things to do what I want. Convenience is great, but I'd rather get to know small business owners and strike a rapport with them. Good conversation is a wonderful thing, so any opportunity that allows you to cultivate it must be worth holding on to.

Originality: Me &Miss V have always loved charity &vintage shops, but now it's more like a passion of ours (she is a genius at it too). Anyone can walk into Topshop and buy a dress, but there's so much more fun to be had in creating something new from cast off odds and ends. I'm no fashionista, but this is definitely something to get excited about. A student budget can definitely limit how much you would like to spend on clothes/shoes &the rest. Yet, with a little time spent digging around second hand &charity shops, or even ebay, you'll find something far more special than any normal shop can deliver, and create something that is entirely of your making. My favourite finds so far? A Joop handbag for a tenner, &a deliciously cosy aran knit that saw me through the winter months.

Oxfam do toiletries: This is something to get excited about. For a couple of years, I've been buying my shampoo& conditioner from this humble, but much loved shop, &honestly, it's the best I've ever used. What am I wittering on about? The fabulous, all natural brand called 'Faith in Nature'. These paraben free potions come in range of varieties (Lavender &Geranium is my all time favourite), and they're all guaranteed to leave your hair oh so soft, and smelling lush. Plus, a 400ml bottle costs a little over £4- bargain much?!

Markets vs Supermarkets: Again, it boils down to good old convenience. I'll admit that I'm easily swayed by a special offer, but when I have the time, perusing around Oxford's covered market is a great joy of mine.When I first moved to the city, I walked past the fruit&veg stand with a fellow foodie friend of mine, &we were both giddily excited about the variety on offer. Carrots with their stalks still on? Yellow courgettes? Admittedly, we may have been too easily excited, but bland &boring these offerings were not. In my humble opinion, fresh, seasonal fruit &veg that have often been locally grown somehow have  a far greater appeal than groceries freighted over from far off lands. Simply put, when your food doesn't have to be transported through sky&seas, it'll taste fresher, ergo better. Plus, you know it wont have a mile high carbon foot print (all tree huggers rejoice!) Better yet, markets don't always have to be boutique-y. I've often found that some items are cheaper than they would be in my local supermarket. Win win? I think so.

So there you have it, a few of my reasons why I'm aiming to be a little nicer when I buy (and having fun with it too).

Miss Dx


Paying for your Product or Paying for its packaging?

{via Pamela Heywood from alwynwturner.com}

It is pretty easy to be taken in by ornate bottles, sleek boxes and stylish brand fonts, not to mention luxurious ad campaigns. But in the end, is the actual gift worth the gab?

We are in quite a tense time in the economy. I get it -brands don't want to lose business, and I'm not saying that sometimes, a little expenditure proves worthwhile in the long term. But then, we also don't want to be paying quite so much, that the only person actually benefiting is the cheeky manufacturer.

Someone was telling me the other day that it is a clever marketing ploy to raise the price of products, not because of the highly sought after ingredients used in certain cosmetics, but because it raises the prestige, and therefore the demand, of the brand. The stats show that we are more likely to buy the expensive brands than the cheaper alternatives because we assume the price indicates the effects. In our minds, cheap stuff  = minimal magic, whereas £80 for a thumb nail pot must be the miracle cure we have been searching for.

But quite often though, we are disappointed that the products haven't proved their price-tag. So how can we avoid making the same mistakes again when we are next taken in by some clever marketing and a large array of numerals? Firstly, check the ingredients. Not many of us are chemists, but we can all play 'snap' pretty well, and when you read the small print, quite often we become suspicious that we are paying more for what is virtually the same ingredients as the store's 'own brand' variation. Second - read reviews. Youtube, blogs, or fashion/beauty websites will tell you if the product is actually worth buying whatever its cost, so listening to those who have tried-before-you-buy, could save you your bank balance and a massive disappointment.

Again, don't get me wrong, some products out there are a lot of money and deliver great results - I think Eve Lom for instance, is one of those more high end, but high quality brands. But don't dismiss the cheaper alternatives - remember the Waitrose baby butter at under £3 was deemed the new Creme-de-la-mer? . Don't be conned by consumerism - it costs not to be cautious. 

Any recommendations out there of great value for money buys? Or cosmetics that you think are really worth their cost?

Miss V x


The Devil wears Prada. Probably a permanently raised eyebrow too. Meryl Streep with Tip Exx White hair, and why we all want to be Anne Hathaway.

via Simone Pringle from Pinterest

I have seen this film approximately 68 times. 

Okay, I actually would never admit that if it were strictly true, but I do know the film practically back to front. All the key moments – the ice queen looks, the fashion department,  that blue belt, and those pursed lips  - the book – and I am about to watch it again. Why is it so good? Because we all feel at one point like Andie. And at most points, we all want the success of Ms Priestly.

But I think why I really love the film, aside my enjoyment of the fashion and media/journalism industry, is that , everyone in the plot has their own story, everyone is a star in their own light, and proves victorious in their own battles.  Andie is the star because she holds onto who she is, despite fierce comparisons and competition. Miranda is the star because she holds it together when things personally fall apart, and clearly is an entrepreneur. Nigel is the star for realising the potential in others, and remaining consistently loyal .

Which I think goes to show, that away from the glamour and the spotlights, the fame and the fortune,  these roles represent real people, all who go through big decisions, heartbreak of one form or another, and feel sometimes lost and the need to be brave. Like us really.

If you have never seen the film – watch it – it’s one of my favourites,  satisfying my love of rom-com/chick-flicks but also because it’s actually, when you look more closely, quite like real life, with all its drama and devils in Prada.

Miss V x


Wavy and Curly Hair Product Review

Miss V:
There are a lot of products for hair out there. Too many. One can feel overwhelmed walking around department stores at all of the promises of each individual brand. This is especially the case with hair products. I have actually stood there in the middle of the pharmacy in a genuine dilemma over whether I should be concentrating on my split ends, boosting roots,or expertly anti-frizzing.

Yet, recently a wonderful advisor in Space NK told me that the best advice she had heard from an expert hairdresser was the importance of keeping the routine simple. Which is remarkably hard to do – given all our hair types, and multitude of styling/condition requirements.  Now my hair is quite wavy (the outcome of the gene maths when one parent has poker straight hair and the other a mop of curls), and while a great recent haircut did wonders for maintaining the wave (seriously, if your tresses need pruning, this can work wonders) I am always on the look out for better ways to define the ‘do.  Definition, in my eyes, is not a problem for Miss D’s hair. Gorgeous corkscrew curls frame her face, positively cherub-esque, however, as she will also fill you in, she has certain requirements of her products that must be met in order to be hair-happy.

So we talked ‘tousle’, and this is what we got.

Miss D here!

I've dubbed myself 'mop- head'. Why? Because I have a mostly unruly mass of curls atop my head. I know I should love what I've got, and I do quite enjoy the fact that my hair type is apparently much sought after by many women, but it can sometimes be a bit of a pain, proving to be big, frizzy, &not that sexy. Yet, I've managed to find a few products that help tame my mane.To boot, I only ever use products that haven't been tested on animals, &I aim to use potions &lotions without SLS, parabens or any other nasties. :) So here you go...(straight after Miss V's wave review :)). 

Miss V: The Wave Review

·         Umberto Giannini Scrunching Curl Friends jelly £4.79 [Score: 1/5 ]
Really poor product considering its ‘designer’ label. My waves felt weighed down and sticky, and scrunching seemed to create a birds-nest, not hair-best! Possibly more of a strict – corkscrew curl product, but did nothing for waves.
·         Boots Essentials Curl Crème, £1.32 [Score: 4.5/5]
Funny how sometimes the best products are in the most basic packaging and with the lowest price tag. I had heard rumours this product was worth trying, and considering it was costing me about the same as a Latte, I thought it was worth the risk. The product smells pleasant, can be used on wet or dry hair, and upgraded my waves to almost curl status! If you fancy trying any of these waverers, then for me this is one of the most Barnet and budget beneficial.
·         Aveda  Be Curly Curl Enhancer, £17.50 [score 3/5]
This is a good product to have on your shelf. However, would I buy it again? Maybe. If I’m honest for wave definition it is ok. What for me is really good about this product is that it combats any frizz wonderfully. However, the price-tag is pretty extortionate.  You pay for the name, and for my hair type, I’m not sure I can afford the re-introduction.
·      Pantene Mousse Defined Curls, £2.99 [score 3.5/5]
I’m quite a fan of mousses – I think they can be great for adding a bit of body/texture to your hair. The size of the bottle shows how it lasts for ages, and I have had no problem with the mouse whip going flat (I guess this is the same worry of people making a meringue). Good hold, imagine it is great for anyone wanting to prep for rollers/curling tongs.
·       Samy  get curls curl re-activator £4.67 [score 5/5]
The wave fave. It looks like a serum, yet its consistency is really light-weight and non-sticky (if anything it is more like wave fluid). You can use however generously you want, and it maintains hair softness and definition. Price tag is pretty reasonable – the bottle is a good size, and most importantly for me, my waves stay wavy.

Miss D: The Curl Review

Paul Mitchell, Round Trip, £12. 95 { 3/5}
Ok, so I've heard good things about this brand, and I love that they've always been cruelty free. The company itself is pretty ethical, too. Naturally, I guessed that all their stuff would be pretty damn good. I read about Round Trip, and thought it might be worth a try, yet with a steep price tag, I decided to search out a sample instead. The results? Honestly, it was ok... For such a boutique-y product, I expected frizz free, defined curls. Yet after my  hair was left to dry naturally, it still looked pretty unruly, and in need of extra serum/ anything else to keep it at bay. However, the product felt light on my locks, &I didn't get the dreaded 'crunchy' feeling some products deliver. Would I buy a full size bottle for almost £13? Mm, probably not. 

John Freida, Ease Curl Reviver Corrective Styling Mousse, £5.29 {4/5}
For such an affordable product, this delivered impressive results. I only needed a little bit to make my curls defined, bouncy, &frizz free (yay!). My hair wasn't weighed down, and I didn't need any serum to smooth it down. The only niggler for me is that I'm a little wary of using products that are heavily laden with chemicals &other substances I've never even heard of. Yet, as a cheap, go to product that you know will deliver results, this is definitely a good 'un.

Naked Curl Tamer, £3.98 {5/5}
First up, this stuff is bloody brilliant. Miss V has often told me that I could be Naked's brand ambassador (not what you're thinking...) because I'm a complete sucker for their offerings. After using a tiny bit of this mousse, my locks were frizz free, defined, &manageable. What's more, its silicone free formula makes sure that your hair isn't damaged or left a little flat by product build up. My verdict, if your curls are driving you barmy, this stuff is your winner. :)

Neal's Yard, Rosemary &Cedarwood Hair Treatment, £6.35 {4.5/5}
Strictly speaking, this isn't a product for curly hair. But it does serve as a luxurious de-frizzing masque for worn out hair. Plus, it's packed with essential oils so it smells beautiful! Leave it on for anything from twenty minutes to all night, and wash it off for a gorgeously soft barnet. I use it every fortnight, and it's definitely helped make my hair easier to contend with in the mornings!

Lush, Curly Wurly, £9.50 {3.5/5}
This shampoo is rammed with coconut, so it leaves your hair smelling delicious all day long. Seeing as it's a Lush product, you know it's (pretty much) all natural and packed with extracts which are actually good for your hair! It did leave my hair soft, but I needed extra products to tame my curls a little bit more. Also, the coconut shavings are a bit of a pain to comb out when you're in the shower, &I found the tub strewn with them after I climbed out, much to my flatmate's dismay. :)

Cake for your curls? Ooh, why on earth not?!
(Chef's hat optional).