
Cox, Cookies &Cake

Two men have joined the Pantheon of great boy double acts: Brett and Jemaine, Simon and Garfunkel & Ben and Jerry will now have to save two seats for Eric Lanlard and Patrick Cox.

What on earth am I banging on about? Well, magical things (N.B. cake, damn good cake) are created when a shoe designer and patissiere join forces.

These two boy wonders have managed to turn cupcakes from cosy and ever so slightly reminiscent of the W.I. to glamorous and risque. Take a gander at their menu and you'll see what I mean. (Beach bum cakes? Really? Genius.)

{Via I Heart Cupcakes & Cox Cookies&Cake, of course. }

P.S. I'm going to try my hand at some of their recipes...watch this space.

Miss Dx

1 comment:

Miss V & Miss D said...

yummmy! can't wait dahhling