
Modus Operandi: Wing it.

You know that eerie moment when you realise that you're an adult? Yeah, it hits you right between the eyes &knocks you for six. As children, we play games to mimic adult life, playing house & pottering around in toy kitchens. But now that the real world isn't that far off, I'm planning on putting it off for as long as I can.

Being a graduate is great, you're imbued with a massive sense of achievement mixed with relief (knowing you can still get a degree after three years of houplas is a sweet, sweet feeling.)  But recently I've had a few too many conversations that have reminded me of my newborn adulthood. Whenever people ask me: 'So, what's the plan now?' I'm always tempted to say,  'I'm not sure. What's yours?'

When uncertainty is the only certainty, isn't it a bit strange that we seem driven to have a life plan aimed towards the goal of house, husband/wife &kids?

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, or anything to be scared of. It's actually quite brilliant. When you have no idea what to do with the long stretch of the rest of your life, and you're faced with a myriad of options and possibilities, it's more fun to improvise.

The thought of leaving the structure of the education system behind and enjoying a moment of respite before the slog of responsibility is giddily exciting. So I plan to take full advantage of not quite knowing what to do with myself.

Miss Dx

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