
It's quite fun, listing all the things you can't do. Be glad someone else can. They think the same about you.

                          {via Jessie Di , source weheartit }

Maths is not my strong point.

It's not so much that I cannot make head or tail of it, for I am currently studying for a Masters degree where logic is very much part of the equation (as it were). It is more of a case that I don't feel inspired by numbers. There isn't a great deal of capacity for me to say a lot about the 3 times table- it is what it is. I wish I was better at numbers, I envy those who can reel off digits and do 'on the spot' calculations, and it is easy to feel, like with any skill we don't possess...inadequate.

But perhaps, its ok not to be ok at Maths. Yes, I can't really long divide. But give me a jotter, and I will fill it with doodles, phrases, sayings, poetry....like some kind of extra storage capacity for my imagination. Give me a calculator, and I will probably crunch in my own phone number.

But you know what? We cannot be good at everything. It would be boring if we were. We are all made differently, with some really great personal strengths, and some very vibrant and diverse facets of our different personalities. Which got me thinking: we need to stand up for our own talents a bit more. We could whittle away our lives feeling small because we can't do some of the impressive things other people do. But we are taller in more ways than we probably conceive.

For all I know, maybe Michael Schumacher isn't  very good at singing (sorry Sir, if this is a misrepresentation of your vocal range), but he is really good at racing cars. Albert Einstein himself, was a genius at physics. But the question is, could he tap dance? I'm not so sure, but what I am certain of,  as I'm sure Mr Einstein would agree, is that there will be many geniuses out there who can.

Shine for yourself, don't just be a mirror for everyone else.

Miss V x

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