
On buying nicely

I'll admit to being a sucker for anything fairtrade/organic/cruelty- free/locally sourced; I always have been. To me, it makes sense: we all buy things, and if the things we buy can help make life easier for others, why not join in? I'll resist the urge to recite every argument for jumping on the oddly named 'ethical consumerism' bandwagon, but keep reading for some reasons why buying kindly can be more fun, rewarding &creative than picking a dress from a high street hanger, or a 2-for-1 deal at your local supermarket.

Smaller shops: Those self-checkout machines just aren't as much fun. I like talking to people and a friendly exchange of 'have a nice day!' and other niceties. Those machines just stress me out &I almost always need staff assistance to get the damn things to do what I want. Convenience is great, but I'd rather get to know small business owners and strike a rapport with them. Good conversation is a wonderful thing, so any opportunity that allows you to cultivate it must be worth holding on to.

Originality: Me &Miss V have always loved charity &vintage shops, but now it's more like a passion of ours (she is a genius at it too). Anyone can walk into Topshop and buy a dress, but there's so much more fun to be had in creating something new from cast off odds and ends. I'm no fashionista, but this is definitely something to get excited about. A student budget can definitely limit how much you would like to spend on clothes/shoes &the rest. Yet, with a little time spent digging around second hand &charity shops, or even ebay, you'll find something far more special than any normal shop can deliver, and create something that is entirely of your making. My favourite finds so far? A Joop handbag for a tenner, &a deliciously cosy aran knit that saw me through the winter months.

Oxfam do toiletries: This is something to get excited about. For a couple of years, I've been buying my shampoo& conditioner from this humble, but much loved shop, &honestly, it's the best I've ever used. What am I wittering on about? The fabulous, all natural brand called 'Faith in Nature'. These paraben free potions come in range of varieties (Lavender &Geranium is my all time favourite), and they're all guaranteed to leave your hair oh so soft, and smelling lush. Plus, a 400ml bottle costs a little over £4- bargain much?!

Markets vs Supermarkets: Again, it boils down to good old convenience. I'll admit that I'm easily swayed by a special offer, but when I have the time, perusing around Oxford's covered market is a great joy of mine.When I first moved to the city, I walked past the fruit&veg stand with a fellow foodie friend of mine, &we were both giddily excited about the variety on offer. Carrots with their stalks still on? Yellow courgettes? Admittedly, we may have been too easily excited, but bland &boring these offerings were not. In my humble opinion, fresh, seasonal fruit &veg that have often been locally grown somehow have  a far greater appeal than groceries freighted over from far off lands. Simply put, when your food doesn't have to be transported through sky&seas, it'll taste fresher, ergo better. Plus, you know it wont have a mile high carbon foot print (all tree huggers rejoice!) Better yet, markets don't always have to be boutique-y. I've often found that some items are cheaper than they would be in my local supermarket. Win win? I think so.

So there you have it, a few of my reasons why I'm aiming to be a little nicer when I buy (and having fun with it too).

Miss Dx


City Girl At Heart said...

I think it's important to 'buy nicely' too. I think there is a real shift in thinking at the moment. Shopping responsibly is so relevant at the moment. Great post for highlighting this :) Informative too - I had no idea that oxfam did a toiletry range! Can't wait to check that out. Been out of the country way too long and charity shops are one of the things I miss the most. Not long now till I'm back rummaging through them again though. :)

Miss V & Miss D said...

Oh wow, thank you! That's really kind of you to say. :)

Faith in Nature are so good, all their products smell delicious and it's pretty cheap compared to other organic/natural products out there. I know Whole Foods sell it too, as do loads of health food shops. 5/5 for all their offerings, for sure. :)